Well, last Saturday's party was pretty par for the course, save for one thing...Babka and Dedko offered to watch the girls while we got ready for it, which prevented a whole load of nerves and yelling matches and so on and so forth.
Lily requested a Jesus party, which at first had me grappling with how to not make it kitschy. I had visions of marzipan Jesus' sermon-on-the-mount cakes and flannel board parable decorations (which might not have been too bad, mind you). But then in a moment of characteristic grace and class, Lily rescued me with a ''no, mama, I just want a bible cake.'' Sweet, simple and lovely. My Lily. She went on to describe exactly how it should look, with its dark blue cover and dark blue ribbon in the middle. Who knew dark blue would be so hard to achieve with food coloring? I just kept adding and adding and adding. And the blue cover went out the window when I realized the cake was much too small to support it. Nevertheless, I was pleased with the end result, and I think Lily was too. She had asked for a lime cake so I made lime curd for the filling.
She had asked for a pennyboard for her birthday, a leopard print pennyboard to be exact, and much to Tomáš' chagrin, I bought her one. His chagrin came not for the fact that I bought her a pennyboard, but because it was a leopard print one, hehe! That guy does not like himself some leopard! Anyhoo, Lily seemed far less enthusiastic about the pennyboard than the knee/elbow/wrist pads. Upon opening those she yelled, ''I'm gonna get sporty!'' and changed out of her heart dress into some leggings and a t-shirt.
There was pizza, there were Legos, there was dancing and new bedding (the cutest!) and because I never in my life got the ol' Crayola 64, there was one of those too. A Star Wars one. Never one to pass up a sale, I figured Lily'd forgive me the ''boys Crayons.'' All in all it was a lovely party. And now on to planning Rosy's...