Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Hurry

Lately life has seemed so...I don't is part of it, also harsh would be another good word. Not life itself, but my own reaction to it. I am keenly aware of my propensity to try and rush things, and on my best days I fight it tooth and nail. When we go to the store, I find myself hurrying the girls along, and I have to mindfully stop myself and let them be little girls. Let myself be a mom enjoying sweet little girls. But everything around us (and in us) bucks against this. At least in this day and age. At least in me.  But Today, things just seemed crazy and chaotic most of the time. I was impatient and that spilled over onto the girls and as a result things were much worse. There was lots of screaming, screeching, snotting, slobbering, fits, fists and stomps. But then I sat down at the end of the day and looked back through these moments. And I got reinspired to fight the good fight against the Hurry. The Rush. To slo-o-o-o-w down and e-n-j-o-y. Because, as L'Oreal reminds us, I'm worth it. They're worth it.
Lily's store

Take note of Rosy's expression. That is a complex individual, I tell ya. 

So proud she climbed up and washed her own hands

I never, ever tire of this light. 

Dangerous outfit: I cannot resist any of her demands. She's too soft and squishy and cute. 

Lily's suns look less like suns, and more like some kind of bacteria with flagella. 

Sunday morning breakfast


  1. I completely feel you on the whole rushing thing. And I don't even know WHY I am doing it most of the time. I so often hear the words, "c'mon c'mon c'mon, let's get going!" screeching out of my mouth. ugh! So hard to deprogram that.

  2. It IS really hard. Somewhere along the line it just became second nature and I fear we'll feel deep regret one day.
