Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmastime. Pic-heavy

     Remember that sweet spot I was talking about? Well as predictable as the Hallmark Christmas movie I made Tomáš watch last night (OH, was it baaaaaaaad) was the swift southward direction it took shortly after I wrote that post. Lily got the pukes, most of my gifts (given) were flops, no snow for Christmas, the great Santa Claus disagreement, gluten and sugar turned me into the Hulk, lots of tears, hurt feelings...and so on. But we don't need to dwell on that, do we? I think so much of our happiness hinges on our perspective, and unfortunately I tend to err on the side of pessimism and poor me (at least in recent years). I'm profoundly influenced by what others say and when a seed of worry is planted I often water it and make it grow. I also tend to take what others say at face value, especially if I trust and respect them, and sometimes it bites me in the...end. This is where I'm thankful for Tomáš' legal-y mind, because he, like Rosy, doesn't buy just anything you're selling. And I mean that in a good way. Not that he's untrusting or suspicious, just clear-thinking. He looks at all the angles before he makes a decision. But tomorrow is a new day. Even today was. I returned to my boring ol' gluten-free, sugar-free lifestyle and my family thanked me for it. Not literally, haha, but I was much less of a loose cannon. Here are some snaps of our holidays. There have been plenty of sweet moments too, of course. It's all in the way you look at it.  
Shadow puppets

The sun was so strong we just opened the door and sat in it

Rosy and Dedko doing ''lastovička'' 

Washi tape tree 

Lily's drawing of her Christmas outfit

Sister feeties

Shoulda been our Christmas card

She got both of her dollies to sit up on their own

Nativity scene from Made by Joel

Separating the boy pens from the girl pens

Grover got puked on so he had to take a bath. A little worse for the wear but his nose looks great!
Lily thinks if she scribbles furiously she is writing. 

Annual Christmas (eve) morning visit. 

L-R Zuzi, Romik, Adamko, Tomáš, Rosy, Kubo, Me, Lily, Jurček

Christmas (eve) dinner

Lincoln logs

Christmas program at church. When Lily did NOT have her finger up her nose. 

Presents at Babka's

Babka's baking perfection

If I had my way, she'd wear this sweater every day

Shepherd in heels