Saturday, May 14, 2011


My favorite bush is in bloom. If it is indeed a bush. And if they can actually be called blooms. I think it's actually just related to my favorite bush, because the one I was in love with had teeny, tiny little hair-thin needles that turned from dark green to blush pink in the spring. It was the loveliest, most ethereal looking plant I think I'd ever seen...until they hacked it down. I had only ever seen the one here, and it was on my walk home from the bus station. I always looked forward to seeing it, and one day I looked..and looked..and thought I'd passed the house until I saw this sad looking choppy stump. Sad day. I had never seen anything like this pink beauty until I moved here. Same with this. Then one day I noticed this guy across the street from our building and got really excited, but upon closer inspection, the needles are thicker and ribbed. I'll take what I can get, though. Also on the pink front is this pre-school. It's the one Lily will attend when she's old enough potty trained (although I still hope to be home with her). It's a stone's throw from our flat. And you can see her elementary school on the left side of the bush, which is just behind her doctor's office. We don't own a car. I love that it's possible here. And rounding out the theme is this stunning Gerbera daisy, which also just bloomed again. It was given to me by my cousin when she left to go back to St.Petersburg. Never hurts to rouge up your life, eh? Where's the pink in your life right now?


  1. Love that pink flowering tree (the "this" link)! Gorgeous. The pink in my life is the flowering tree in front of the Dillon Chi Alpha house...little round pink and white blossoms. I'm breathing it in.

  2. Isn't it pretty? I'm told it's a magnolia. What kind of tree is yours?
