Monday, May 16, 2011

More Things

Well, I've been working on my 35 things, and they seem to be coming mostly in sewn form, which pleases me. Sewing is one of those things I've been interested in since I was little, but never really had the patience to learn to do it right. Not much has changed, as you'll see, but I still feel a sense of accomplishment in the doing. In the trying. So, when Lily was born she got lots and lots of hand-me-downs (both given and lent), which I am extremely grateful for. I decided to take some of the stained onesies and spiff them up a bit. I like that word, spiff. It looks even better in italics. I sewed a mint green flannel heart on one onesie. Then I had been playing around with the idea of this choppy heart in my head, so I screenprinted it on another. It turned out so so. I wish the lines hadn't touched on that one spot in the middle. (By the way, this is what Lily looks like about 70 percent of the time nowadays, trying so hard to sit up. Abs of steel are on the way). Thirdly are these bibs (hanging on the radiator). I don't have a closeup of the red one, which is just as well considering it's pretty junior high home ec., if you know what I mean. I had been kind of fed up (no pun intended) with bibs made out of material that doesn't absorb very well. So I decided to whip these up out of an old cloth diaper that had a hole in it. The green one's not perfect either, but they soak up drool and baby puke like champs. And then there were the black pants made from an old t-shirt. I purposely made the picture blurry because they were that bad. Laughably uneven hems, crooked seams, HUGE waist. I got a good chuckle out of it when I tried them on her because she looks adorable in anything, but she will not be wearing them out of the house. And then lastly was my attempt at making baby leggings (beggings? Anyone, anyone?) Bug had a few pairs of them and every time I put them on her I just cracked up because leggings, by their very essence are supposed to be slim and fitted. But babies, by their very essence, well, wear huge bulky diapers. Anyhoo, I wanted to make something out of the awful nightgown I wore in the maternity ward. When I gave birth. I had bought the cheapest one I could find because I knew it'd likely be destroyed and also I didn't aspire to have it fit me for very much longer. But of course it also held a lot of sentiment so I thought I'd try passing it on. So I used one of her old pairs of leggings (I keep typing leggins, which is somehow more fitting [more fitting! Leggings! Oh, the puns. They just happen to me, I have no control over them]) as a guide. They turned out ok, which is a miracle given the headache level of working with knit. It makes me want to swear. Why oh why did I try to sew knit without a Serger? Anyhow, so that means six new things, plus the first one makes seven (although technically I started the bibs before the challenge so I'll knock those out if I manage to make...THIRTY MORE THINGS in THIRTY NINE DAYS!!! Thanks for readin.'     

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