Thursday, February 7, 2013

What a difference two months makes

     There's nothing that makes you feel the passage of time more keenly than having a newborn. Rosy is growing and changing so quickly, it feels like I'm trying to grasp on to water and squeeze it and hold it and make time stop. But as the outgrown clothes pile shows, grows, that is not happening. So all I can do, all any of us can do, is just try and enjoy every moment with her. Bug too. She is so big I swear I don't think I'll be able to lift her into her high chair or bed much longer. Maybe that's the real reason kids stop eating in high chairs and sleeping in cribs. Anyhoo, the amazing thing about kids is that with that growth comes changes that absolutely delight. Rosy is starting to coo more and when I put her hat on today, signaling to her that she gets to go outside, she smiled so big and cooed so sweetly that I thought there is nothing better in all the world. I feel so lucky just to get to experience that. And with each passing day, Lily wows with new words and phrases as well as abilities, and I spend much of my day just wondering at her, at kids in general, and how absolutely amazing they are. And how funny. Almost every day I come around the corner to find Lily wearing an item of Rosy's clothing.
     And today I attempted the preposterous proposition of working out while both girls were up. I put out a big rug and, not having hand weights, dug out two large jars of pickles (which is funny enough) and hit play on the video. At first Lily didn't quite grasp the idea of watching the screen and following their movements so for a while she just watched the video. Then when she saw me doing the movements she wanted to too, but the rug wasn't that big, so she lay down next to me and tried to copy my fly curls, and as I was trying to avoid her with pickles in hand, she bonked me straight on the nose with her tight little fist. And when I was upright doing the pretend jumprope, she ran under my hand and she got bopped on the top of the head. Then while I was bent over stretching during the cool-down she started merry-go-rounding around my legs and for the remainder of the time she just marched around me saying ''mama DO it!'' and I looked over at Rosy, just sitting silently in her car seat in the corner, trying to eat her entire fist and I just broke down laughing. And laughing. It was so fun.
     I'll keep it short and sweet today, like our girls, and leave you with this:

Rosy at nine days....and two-and-a-half months
And this:

Tomáš was thrilled that Rosy's first word was the name of his favorite football club.

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