Sunday, July 14, 2013

Those Eyes

When Rosy was born, Tomáš and I both looked at her and kind of went, ''who on earth does she look like?'' I said the only person I could even vaguely see was his dad and my doctor/sister-in-law laughingly agreed. She had thought the same thing. Tomáš was unconvinced. I couldn't put my finger on just what it was in her and only saw fleeting glimpses at that, which made it even more difficult to convince him. I would go long periods of time without seeing the resemblance and was more or less even unconvinced myself until...
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I woke up to this photo (above right) that Tomáš made the wallpaper on our computer. It's the eyes! Or the expression in the eyes. Or something. Most of the time I see my dad's eyes in her. Or his expression. Or something. But here the resemblance is undeniable, don't you think? Lily looks a lot like my dad, especially the eyes. So it looks like our girls take after their grandpas, at least at this point. I looked like my dad my whole life and then long about 25, BAM! I was my mom. Funny how that happens. Anyhoo, if our girls look like their grandpas, they could do a lot worse. They were good-lookin' young fellas. 

Sometimes I think I see a little of my grandma in Rosy too. Maybe a little Finnish chin. Or cheeks. 

I guess we're all of us just a big mix of our ancestors. That's part of what makes having kids a joy. 

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