Saturday, October 4, 2014

Changing Seasons

     I would like to write a more deep or interesting post about what it means to change seasons in life, but really we're all just sick. That's what it's meant for us. Lily got it first, as she almost always does. Then Tomáš, then Rosy. And it hung on. And on. And on. So much so that Lily actually got better (although not completely) and then got something else before it finally took me out. Last night Lily came to our bed and kicked Tomáš out (this is how it goes at our house). He went and slept in her room, she slept ''next'' to me, which means she kicked me in the head and got tangled in my feet all night. Then of course there was one lone mosquito who has managed to survive the colder weather and has taken refuge in our room, to buzz by my ear repeatedly. And naturally our radiators, which have just recently been turned on, burbled up air throughout the night as they adjusted and scared the crap out of me. Add to that a good handful of really upsetting nightmares and as you might imagine, a good night sleep I did not have. So I woke with a sore throat and feeling run down before my day began. Tomáš was asked to work today (a Saturday) to catch up on files, so I was home with the girls and Rosy was as clingy as I've ever seen her. I must have breastfed her 35 times and read 35 books today. Couple that with Lily being in her chatty phase, where she says ''Mommy?'' (which she now says with a British accent because she's seen too many episodes of Peppa Pig) 35 times an hour to tell me some passing thought, and I was feeling a little claustrophobic. I should have realized sooner that Rosy was also fighting off some bug and that's why she was extra needy. Tomáš got home at precisely 4 pm (Liverpool was playing), and it's a good thing, too, because before long I felt totally weak and really cold. I curled up on Lily's mattress and pulled her comforter over me and gave up the plans I had to run to the store. In fact, I gave up the plans I had to run...walk...anywhere. I was in and out of sleep for a little while and then I woke feeling better. Thank God, because Tomáš had plans to spend the night with some friends, and I didn't want him to have to cancel. 
     Whining portion over. In all honesty I cannot remember the last time I was sick. I mean cold sick. I have had the flu twice since living here, but as far as a full-blown cold, that has been since long before I got pregnant with Lily. Isn't that remarkable? I have had a couple of sore throats, but they lasted for a half a day or a day and then nothing more. I attribute it to my special potion I take at the first inkling of sickness. Seems to work for me. Even now (knock knock) I feel much better. Maybe even completely back to normal. I just hope my babies will be soon.   

Playing while Lily was at pre-school

Pesky runny noses. Wiping is a full-time job in itself. 

Our bus stop

Kissable cheeks

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