Saturday, March 10, 2012

Little bit o' salt

Now here's some honest advertising. After the ''dirtiest election in Slovak history,'' (the U.S.'s as well?) isn't it refreshing to see something just laid bare? A product that says, ''here I am; salty. And if the word salted isn't enough for you, here, we'll put a giant picture of a salt shaker right on top of me. And if that still isn't enough, let's add the nutrition information loud and proud, big and on the front. 33% of your daily recommended allowance for sodium. Thirty three. A third.'' (Yes, that was a direct quote from the bag of pretzels). That's what I like in a junk food. Honesty. Pardon the silliness, but this kind of cracked me up. And after months of having to put up with (read: begrudgingly tolerate passively listening while Tomáš watched/listened with interest) bickering, arguing, interrupting, cheating, lying, trying-to-get-ahead politicians, I needed a little laugh. Besides, where else are you gonna find a pretzel/election analogy?